Don Juan: His Own Version: A Novel
Peter Handke
Price  950.00
A MODERN MASTER’S WRY AND ENTERTAINING TAKE ON HISTORY’S BEST-KNOWN LOVER In Don Juan, Peter Handke offers his take on the famous seducer. Don Juan’s story—“his own version”—is filtered through the consciousness of an anonymous narrator, a failed innkeeper and chef, into whose solitude Don Juan bursts one day. On each day of the week that follows, Don Juan describes the adventures he experienced on that same day a week earlier. The adventures are erotic, but Handke’s Don Juan is more pursued than pursuer. What makes his accounts riveting are the remarkable evocations of places and people, and the nature of his narration. This is, above all, a book about storytelling and its ability to burst the ordinary boundaries of time and space. In this brief and wry volume, Handke conjures images and depicts the subtleties of human interaction with an unforgettable vividness. Along the way, he offers a sharp commentary on many features of contemporary life.
ISBN 9780374532642Category FictionSubcategory Literary Fiction
Publisher Macmillan USImprint Farrar, Straus and GirouxPublished 19/11/2019
Format B FormatBinding Trade PaperbackPage extent 112
Peter Handke was born in Austria in 1942. His works include the novels Short... »
books by Peter Handke