Montalbano's First Case and Other Stories
Andrea Camilleri
Price  650.00
Montalbano's First Case and Other Stories is a brilliant collection of short stories, personally chosen by Andrea Camilleri, which follows Inspector Montalbano from his very first case in Vigàta, in which he stumbles upon a young girl lurking outside a courthouse with a pistol in her handbag. When she is taken in for questioning and won't utter a single word, Montalbano must find another way to learn who she is trying to kill, and why..

Other cases include a missing woman who has run away from the love of her life; an old married couple who appear to be rehearsing their suicides; and a crime so dark there's only one person the inspector can call for help.

With twists and turns aplenty, these stories have all the wit, mystery and culinary gusto that Camilleri's fans have come to love him for.
ISBN 9781447298397Category FictionSubcategory Crime & Mystery
Publisher Pan Macmillan IndiaImprint MantlePublished 25/02/2016
Format B FormatBinding Trade PaperbackPage extent 224
Andrea Camilleri is one of Italy’s most famous contemporary writers. His... »
books by Andrea Camilleri