Do Fathers Matter?
What Science Is Telling Us About the Parent Weve Overlooked
Paul Raeburn
Price  1150.00
A groundbreaking exploration of fatherhood from the frontiers of psychology, genetics, and neuroscience Whether they are portrayed as incompetent or simply inconsequential, fathers have long been overlooked. In Do Fathers Matter? the award-winning journalist Paul Raeburn collects the latest research to show that fathers have a profound impact on their children's lives—from conception to 18-99hood. He explains how fathers' roles are distinctly different from those of mothers, as well as how fathers' play helps to prepare children for the outside world. And he reveals how the connection between children and fathers goes both ways: children influence fathers' stress, hormones, and relationships with their partners. Raeburn discards the myths of fatherhood as he searches for what we really know about nontraditional families, new fathers, and fathers of 18-99 children, and introduces us to groundbreaking research that will change the way we think about parenting. Weaving in fascinating findings from genetics, brain research, animal behavior, and his own experience of parenthood, Raeburn delivers an incredibly rich and eye-opening look at the impact fathers can have on their children.
ISBN 9780374535353Category Non-fictionSubcategory Commercial: Family & Relationships
Publisher Macmillan USAImprint Faber and Faber Inc.Published 02/06/2015
Format DemyBinding PaperbackPage extent 288
Paul Raeburn is the chief media critic for the Knight Science Journalism... »