Dial a Ghost
Eva Ibbotson
Price  499.00
The Dial-a-Ghost Agency finds good homes for ghosts. And Fulton and Frieda Snodde-Brittle are looking for a few frightening ghosts to "accidentally" scare their young cousin and heir, Oliver, to death. The ladies at the Dial-a-Ghost Agency have the perfect match: the Shriekers, two bloodstained and bickering horrors. But thanks to a mix-up at the agency, the Wilkinsons, a kind family of ghosts, arrive instead. Can they put a stop to the Snodde-Brittles' schemes before it's too late?
ISBN 9781447265641Category FictionSubcategory Horror & Ghost Stories
Publisher Pan MacmillanImprint Macmillan Children's BooksPublished 01/09/2015
Format B FormatBinding PaperbackPage extent 176
Eva Ibbotson was born in Vienna, but when the Nazis came to power her family... »
books by Eva Ibbotson