On Evil
Terry Eagleton
Price  425.00
An impassioned argument for the existence of evil from one of the most respected and influential critics of our day In this witty, accessible study, the prominent Marxist thinker Terry Eagleton launches a surprising defense of the reality of evil, drawing on literary, theological, and psychoanalytic sources to suggest that evil, no mere medieval artifact, is a real phenomenon with palpable force in our contemporary world. In a book that ranges from St. Augustine to alcoholism, Thomas Aquinas to Thomas Mann, Shakespeare to the Holocaust, Eagleton investigates the frightful plight of those doomed souls who apparently destroy for no reason. In the process, he poses a set of intriguing questions. Is evil really a kind of nothingness? Why should it appear so glamorous and seductive? Why does goodness seem so boring? Is it really possible for human beings to delight in destruction for no reason at all?
ISBN 9788170463481Category Non-fictionSubcategory Philosophy & Religion
Publisher Seagull BooksImprint Seagull BooksPublished 15/05/2018
Format DemyBinding PaperbackPage extent 176
Terry Eagleton  is currently Distinguished Professor of English Literature,... »
books by Terry Eagleton