Gregg Ward
GREGG WARD is the CEO of the Gregg Ward Group, a management consulting, training and coaching firm that focuses on helping leaders develop their Respectful Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Executive Presence skills. Gregg began his career in the 1980s as a specialist trainer for the New York City Police Department. Since then he has developed, delivered and facilitated thousands of keynote addresses, experiential learning programs, and executive coaching to a wide range of clients, including ADP, Booz Allen Hamilton, Harley-Davidson, InterContinental Hotels Group, Kaiser Permanente, Kraft Foods, Merck Medco, QUALCOMM, Raytheon, Siemens, The University of California, The US Navy and Warner Bros. Studios. He is also the author of Bad Behavior, People Problems & Sticky Situations: A Toolbook for Managers and Team Leaders. To learn more about the Gregg Ward Group and The Respectful Leader, please visit:
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