Privacy Policy

Our Views on Privacy

We want to protect the privacy of visitors to our website and that of our customers, and other individuals. Please read the following policy; it will help you to understand how we use your personal data. We may change our privacy policy at any time without giving you notice, so please check it each time you visit this website.

Whenever you give us personal data, you are consenting to its collection and use in accordance with this privacy policy, including our use of cookies as explained below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are eighteen or under, you must obtain your parent’s or guardian’s permission before you send us any personal data.

What personal information do we collect?

We log your Internet Protocol (IP) address in order to receive and send information from and to you over the internet.

When you register on our website, register for our newsletter, make an enquiry, submit material for inclusion on our website or enter a competition, you may be asked to provide some personal data such as your name, address, email address and interests.

Bear in mind that if you include any personal data in any material you submit for inclusion on our website, it may be seen by anyone visiting this website anywhere in the world. Please do not submit any personal data that you do not want to be made public in this way, and please do not send us any personal data about anyone else without their permission.

We also automatically collect data about visitors to our website (for example on browsing patterns) by using cookies. We collect data relating to the routing, duration and time of communications (traffic data), such as records of the parts of our website you have visited, services you have used, and your location. We retain traffic data for three years.


A cookie is a small piece of data or message that is sent from a web server to your browser and is stored on your hard drive. A cookie can’t read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. Cookies do not damage your system.

You can reset your browser so as to refuse any cookie or to alert you to when a cookie is being sent. If you choose not to accept our cookies, some of the features of our site may not work as well as we intend.

We use cookies for the purposes of system administration of our website, to give us information about the number of visitors to different parts of our website, and to enhance your visit to our site.

How do we use your personal data?

We use your personal data to: answer your queries, run any competition you may have entered and to contact you. We use the information you supply about subject interests in order to shape our future publishing and marketing strategy and also so that we may send you targeted information about new products and services from Pan Macmillan India, and to inform you about changes and improvements to our website, and for direct marketing purposes (but we do give you the option to opt out of this).

We may also use your personal data to monitor the use of our website, to record traffic flows and to carry out research about our visitors’ and customers’ demographics, interests and behaviour. We do this to understand our visitors, customers and potential customers better.

We use traffic data (see above) to help us understand which areas of our website are most popular so that we might better develop the design and structure of our site, and to market our own electronic communications services and to provide you with value added services, such as targeted information about our products, promotions such as competitions, or new author signings. You may withdraw your consent to our use of these data at any time.

If you wish to do this, please contact:

When you give us personal data, those data may be sent electronically to servers anywhere in the world and may be used, stored and processed anywhere in the world. Please bear in mind that each country has its own rights protection policies and laws.

Whenever and wherever we collect, process or use personal data, we take steps to ensure that it is treated securely and in accordance with our privacy policy.

To whom might we disclose your personal data?

We may pass your personal data to anyone who needs those data in order to fulfill your requests for our goods and services, or to validate any payment details you give to us. Some of these people may be located outside India.

We may pass your personal data to our group or associated companies and to our data processors. Our group companies are located in many countries.

We may also provide your personal data to businesses (which may or may not be companies in our group) and who may use the data to send you information about other products or services. However, you may opt out of your personal data being used in this way when we collect your personal data.

We may also provide your personal data to anyone who buys our business or business assets. Except as set out above, we will not disclose your personal information unless we are obliged to do so or allowed to do so by law, or where we need to do so in order to run our business (for instance where we outsource services or other people process data for us).

Direct Marketing

We may contact you by email to market our goods and services, but you may at any time request us to stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes. If you wish to do this please contact:


Our website contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. We encourage our visitors to be aware when they leave our website, and to read the privacy policy of other sites that collect or use personal data. This privacy policy applies only to personal data collected by Pan Macmillan India and Macmillan Publishers India Ltd.


We currently do not have a direct online ordering facility on our website. All standard security measures will apply when the facility is provided.


This website is operated by Pan Macmillan Publishing India Private Limited which is registered in India.

Pan Macmillan Publishing India Private Limited
707, 7th Floor, Kailash Building,
26, K.G. Marg,
New Delhi -110001
Tel: 011 - 23320837/38

Individuals have certain rights of access to their personal data. If you wish to request any information about your personal data, please contact

Inaccuracies and Corrections

We would like to keep your personal data accurate and up to date. If you become aware of any errors or inaccuracies please let us know by contacting