An unabridged hardcover edition of a sparkly, funny holiday book—A Unicorn Named Sparkle's First Christmas--the perfect size for Christmas stockings, with a shiny, gilttery cover!
It's Sparkle's first Christmas and Lucy is showing him how to celebrate. Make a snowman. Check. Make a unicorn snowman. Check. Hang stockings, make cookies, and, of course—buy presents! (But don't eat them.) Check. In...
32 pages
Imprint: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
"The joy of giving permeates Lucy's first Christmas with her unicorn in this series third after A New Friend for Sparkle. Lucy is a little girl of color with light brown skin and springy black hair. Merry and bright." —Kirkus Reviews
"The relationship between Sparkle and Lucy remains perfectly enchanting." —Publishers Weekly