Diana West

Diana West is the author of The Death of the Grown-Up. She writes a syndicated column that appears in about 120 newspapers and online sites weekly, including the Washington Examiner, Townhall.com, and Worldnetdaily.com. She is also an online contributor to Breitbart's BigPeace. Her work has appeared in many publications including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, The New Criterion, and The Washington Post Magazine, and her fiction has appeared in the Atlantic Monthly. She has made numerous television appearances as a CNN contributor to Lou Dobbs Tonight and Lou Dobbs This Week. West is also vice president of The International Free Press Society, and  co-author of Shariah: The Threat to America, a book-length study by 19 national security experts including former CIA director James Woolsey and former US Attorney Andrew C. McCarthy.

Books by Diana West