'This is a wise, lucid, beautiful book that will help you be less afraid and more alive. Read it as soon as you can; it will change you.' Dr Lucy Kalanithi
Death is not waiting for us at the end of a long road. Death is always with us, in the marrow of every passing moment, a secret teacher hiding in...
304 pages
Imprint: Bluebird
I have worked in the field of death and dying close to Frank and this book represents the distillation of many years of his efforts. He shows us that if you are to die consciously, there's no time like the present to prepare. This book is a loving, compassionate reminder that the best preparation for death is a life fully livedRam Dass, author of the bestseller Be Here Now
Frank is a pioneer in mindful care at the end of life. He embodies the wisdom and compassion he shares in these magical and compelling pages. You feel it instantly, because it is real, and it is really about you and your lifeJon Kabat-Zinn founder of MBSR Author, Full Catastrophe Living and Coming to Our Senses
Frank Ostaseski has brought together wisdom and compassion in his life and his long years of work with the dying. We will all be enriched, inspired, and edified by his extraordinary book on how facing death can enrich our lifeJoan Halifax Roshi, Ph.D., Founder & Abbot, Upaya Zen Center
Exquisitely profound and gut-wrenchingly real, I'm not sure a wiser book has been written in the digital age. Frank's storytelling helped me to see that to step fully into life we need to embrace death as an adventure rather than an adversaryChip Conley Author, The New York Times bestseller, Emotional Equations Head of Global Hospitality & Strategy, AirBnB