‘If you do not act with all your vigour, if you lack the awareness to give life to life through death, a state of health cannot be reached’ - Haruchika Noguchi, Founder of Seitai Culture
‘Oh! What a surprise! All Japanese children speak Japanese. No need to worry! Planting the seeds of ability, with patience and repetition, the seed flourishes’...
‘If you do not act with all your vigour, if you lack the awareness to give life to life through death, a state of health cannot be reached. It is possible to believe that the human being is alive thanks to its own will, but this is not so. A human being just lives; that is all. The spontaneous desire to live, does not arise from the individual, but from a desire of Nature itself’ —Haruchika Noguchi (1911-1976), Founder of Seitai Culture
‘I am convinced that Seitai, Master Noguchi’s Legacy, is the most innovative and signifi cant spiritual culture that Humanity has received this century’ —Narciso Yepes (1927-1997), Guitar player and Seitai practicer
‘Oh! What a surprise! All Japanese children speak Japanese. No need to worry! Planting the seeds of ability, with patience and repetition, the seed flourishes’ —Sinichi Suzuki (1898-1998), Creator of the Suzuki Method for understanding and learning music, philosopher and Seitai practicer.
‘I know where I am now. But if I hadn’t come to know Seitai 10 years ago, I don’t now where I’d be. Maybe I wouldn’t be her’ —Ricardo Sanz (1968), Journalist, Seitai practicer