Liespotting shows how to use the latest techniques to spot deception in work and life situations.
People--friends, family members, work colleagues, salespeople--lie to us all the time. Daily, hourly, constantly. None of us is immune, and all of us are victims. According to studies by several different researchers, most of us encounter nearly 200 lies a day....
“Every decision maker in your organization should read this breakthrough book. It is practical, hands-on and founded on years of research. It offers the easily accessible methods to spot and stop what has become the most insidious business cost today…deception.” —Richard Whiteley, Best-selling author of The Customer Driven Company, Customer Centered Growth, Love the Work You're With, and The Corporate Shaman
“All businesses spend a tremendous amount of time and money trying to detect just how truthful people are. The stakes are high. Despite the fact that few of us have never studied how to objectively read people and understand the many established ways of detecting unconscious communication, we are surprised at how often we get it wrong when the whole truth is finally known. This book changes the odds, and does it in a straightforward, useful and engaging way. It's worth every minute you spend reading it.” —Jay Walker, Founder, Priceline.com and named inventor on more than 400 U.S. patents.