Humanity rises to meet a powerful alien threat, in this extraordinary conclusion to Peter F. Hamilton’s Salvation Sequence. This is a high-octane adventure from 'the most powerful imagination in science fiction' (Ken Follett).
Live in hiding – or die for freedom
Humanity welcomed the Olyix and their utopian technology. But mankind was tricked. Now these visitors are extracting a terrible price.
For two...
29 October 2020
528 pages
Imprint: Macmillan
Everything readers of Salvation will have hoped for. A series emerging as a modern classicStephen Baxter on Salvation Lost
This is galactic-scale space opera . . . audacious, exciting, funny and just happens to have the most terrifying alien invasion concept I've ever encounteredAlastair Reynolds on Salvation Lost
Savage, brilliant and compelling. A masterclass in tension and spectacleGareth L. Powell on Salvation Lost
Explosions! Assassins! Enigmatic aliens, spaceships and jump doors . . . Accept no substitutes, this is the real deal. You need Salvation, my friend. Everyone needs salvationIan McDonald on Salvation