You sleep (hopefully) for 8 hours. You work (at least) 8 hours. What are you doing in those remaining 8 hours of your day, and more importantly, what are the other 8 hours doing for you? To the bleary-eyed worker who doesn't have time to stop and catch his breath, the idea of having 8 hours may sound absurd. If...
“Just one simple decision--to become a cre8tor--is enough to change your life for the better. Robert makes the case why this is the best path, for all of us.” —Seth Godin, Author of Linchpin and Tribes
“Pagliarini (The Six-Day Financial Makeover) refreshes a tired premise with a snappy style that helps readers prioritize their commitments and divest their energies accordingly. Simple exercises target "LifeLeeches," insidious activities that suck up free time--video games, meaningless meetings, social media, porn, and (rather bizarrely) reading and carpooling--in order to dedicate those freed up hours to make extra money, develop more job-related skills, blog for cash, expand a creative or entrepreneurial venture, or simply engage in more fulfilling hobbies. A large portion of the book is focused on becoming what the author calls a "Cre8tor," someone who does not just settle for a paycheck but creates their own financial life. Even readers perfectly at peace with their career and paycheck will find the tips and a companion Web site, featuring downloadable templates for time management and a "Goal Achievement Plan," useful catalysts for further professional and personal growth.” —Publishers Weekly
“Most of us don't make great use of our 'non-work' hours. This book can help you change that. It's filled with great advice on how to devote those in-between hours to more enriching, energizing and rewarding pursuits.” —Daniel H. Pink, author of A Whole New World
“My many years as a productivity coach and educator have convinced me that the greatest gains in our lives are most often achieved because of small things that we begin to do consistently that are highly strategic for us. Robert's book is a treasure-trove of such "small things." He's mined the bandwidth of our day to day lives for the underused portions where real treasures lie. Very good stuff here” —David Allen, author, Getting Things Done: the Art of Stress-Free Productivity and Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and the Business of Life
“The Other Eight Hours identifies universal roadblocks and limitations, then provides the reader with tangible tools that can easily translate to real world experience. Pagliarini shows us how to achieve a whole new level of happiness and fulfillment with a remarkable ability to speak to the reader in a way they can relate to.” —Kim Barnouin, co-author of Skinny Bitch
“The Other 8 Hours soars with crisp advice, mind bending ideas and stories that will move you to action. The book captures the obvious self-empowerment opportunity we've been too busy to notice: You can own your life if you want to. Read it and take back the best part of your life.” —Tim Sanders, author of Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business & Influence Friends