Leadership by Example
All of us have the potential to become leaders. Very few of us are leaders all the time, but we all encounter moments in our lives when we can and should lead others. Few people set out knowingly to become leaders; rather, they see a need and they find a way of taking on the challenge, and often others choose...
“Sanjiv Chopra masterfully weaves threads of wisdom into a wonderful tapestry of inspiration that will energize and motivate the head and heart to action. His book is a must read for those who aspire to attain the highest form of servant leadership.” —Charles R. Denham, Senior Fellow, Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative; Chairman, TMIT
“In all my years in academic medicine, the most important lecture I have ever had the pleasure of attending was 'The 10 Tenets of Leadership' by Professor Sanjiv Chopra. Now available in hard copy, it is a ‘must read' that illustrates how we all can be leaders in our own areas of endeavor thereby making the world a much better place.” —Melvin E. Clouse, MD, Deaconess Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School
“Great leaders may move mountains, but first they must move people — by inspiring and connecting with them. In this engaging book, Dr. Chopra displays an encyclopedic perspective on leadership across cultures and through time. He goes to the heart of leadership to reveal that qualities such as integrity, empathy, humility, and passion are essential for anyone who wants to harness the talents of others to accomplish a shared goal. So too is the ability to listen. Those seeking an inclusive leadership model will discover much value in these pages.” —Dipak C. Jain, Dean of INSEAD
“Thoroughly inspiring and motivating. Challenging the convention that to be a leader you need to have followers, the book very effectively inspires to uncover the greatness in EVERY individual. In an interesting narrative that is loaded with excellent quotes, Dr. Chopra has very clearly laid out the underlying principles that define leaders. I would recommend reading the book over and over again periodically to be constantly reminded of the qualities that each of us can develop to bring out the leader in us.” —Zunaira Munir, Managing Director, Strategize Blue
“Sanjiv Chopra's book is a layman's inspiration to leadership. He shows that leadership is not rabble-rousing. It is not just Mark Antony holding forth with the dead body of Caesar by his side. It is a multi-dimensional energy that also requires fever, passion and the will to achieve, whatever one's vocation. In a truly inspirational style, Sanjiv gently guides you over ten commanding leadership steps. If you can catch the infection of his passion and his fever, leadership will surely come your way. As someone who has had the privilege of leading a 65,000-strong police force of India's capital city of Delhi, I learnt my leadership skills on the job. I wish Sanjiv's book was with me in those days.” —Vijay Karan, Former Commissioner of Police, Delhi, India; Former Director, Central Bureau of Investigation, India
“Dr. Chopra's book is an guide for future leaders. Among the many important points he makes is the importance of listening. As I have learned, a leader surrounds himself with good people -- not yes men -- and listens to what they have to say. More potential leaders have failed because they were deaf to advice than for any other reason.” —Col. Jack Jacobs (Ret), Medal of Honor recipient and NBC Military Analyst
“Sanjiv Chopra's book is at once both incredibly engaging and inspiring! I was wonderfully moved by the magical mosaic he weaves using real-life stories of leadership to convey the powerful idea that everyone can be an effective leader. Leadership by Example portrays a nice taxonomical structure to the tapestry that enhances our understanding of the fundamental attributes of leadership. The book is written in a moving story-like fashion and is embellished with a treasure trove of compelling quotes. This is an all-weather book that you will not be able to put down once you start it!” —Venkat Srinivasan, CEO, Rage Frameworks, Inc., and Chairman and Founder of English Helper
“A native of India, Chopra draws from a global pantheon of great leaders throughout history, from Buddha to FDR, from Soren Kierkegaard to Gandhi, to illustrate the power of selflessness and idealism. … Chopra's book is engaging, idealistic and often moving, providing numerous examples of great leaders and ordinary souls who have inspired others to improve society.” —The MetroWest Daily News