‘Stupendously engaging’
Ben Aaronovitch, bestselling author of Rivers of London
Our Lady of Mysterious Ailments by T. L. Huchu is the second spellbinding book in the Edinburgh Nights series.
Some secrets are meant to stay buried . . .
When Ropa Moyo discovered an occult underground library, she expected great things. She’s really into Edinburgh’s secret societies – but turns out they are less...
384 pages
Imprint: Tor
Tendai’s alternative Edinburgh becomes more real and more exciting with every book. An artful combination of magic, history and imagination wrapped up in an engaging storyBen Aaronovitch
The Library of the Dead’s alluring, shadowy Edinburgh with its hints of sophisticated academic magic will draw you in, but it’s Ropa – a hard knocks ghostalker on her paranormal grind to pay the rent – who grabs hold. The moment you meet her, you’ll follow wherever she goesOlivie Blake, author of The Atlas Six on The Library of the Dead
A fast-moving and entertaining tale, beautifully writtenBen Aaronovitch, bestselling author of Rivers of London on The Library of the Dead
An absolute delight . . . kept me totally hookedGenevieve Cogman on The Library of the Dead