'I could not put this book down and loved every page.' - Salena Godden
'Humane, funny, surprising, profound.' - Chris Power
'A masterpiece.' - David Keenan
Meet Drew Lord Haig, called upon to sing the obscure hit from his youth at a paramilitary event. Or Max, who recalls an eventful journey to a Christian film festival. Meet Mrs Dallesandro, in the tanning salon...
240 pages
Imprint: Picador
Erskine is less interested in dispensing wisdom than in evoking the ambient pathos of ordinary lives. The understated yet distinctive sensibility first showcased in her 2018 debut collection, Sweet Home, is well honed in this impressive follow-up.FT
Wendy Erskine is the greatest short story writer of her generation. Dance Move is a masterpiece.David Keenan
No one writes the bare-knuckle crossroads of sex and class like Wendy Erskine!
Joanna Walsh
The stories are never sentimental, nor do they strain credulity. What grounds them is Erskine’s distinctive style: she is a great noticer, with an eye for microscopic detail, and pays close attention to the syntax and cadences of ordinary conversation. . . She is also extremely funny.Spectator