A Prisoner of Birth
Jeffrey Archer
Price  399.00
The new blockbuster from one of the bestselling authors of all time
Danny Cartwright and Spencer Craig were born on different sides of the track. Danny, an East End Cockney, leaves Clement Attlee Comprehensive School at the age of 15 to take up a job at a local garage. He falls in love with Beth, the boss’s daughter, and asks her to marry him. Spencer Craig resides in the West End. A graduate of an English public school and Cambridge University. After leaving university he becomes a criminal barrister and is soon tipped to be the youngest Queen’s Counsel of his generation. Danny and Beth travel up to the West End to celebrate their engagement. They end the evening in a wine bar where Spencer Craig is also celebrating - his 30th birthday, along with a select group of university chums. Although the two young men don’t meet, their lives will never be the same again. For, an hour later, one of them is arrested for murder, while the other ends up as the Prosecution’s chief witness in an Old Bailey trial.
ISBN 9780330464062Category FictionSubcategory General Fiction
Publisher Pan Macmillan UKImprint PanPublished 17/10/2008
Format 178 x 111Binding PaperbackPage extent 400
Jeffrey Archer, whose novels and short stories include Kane and Abel, A ... »
books by Jeffrey Archer