Stone Cold
David Baldacci
Price  525.00
A deadly new opponent draws the Camel Club into their toughest battle to date. The price of defeat? The death of Oliver Stone.

Oliver Stone and the Camel Club are back.
Set on exposing the real story behind the closed doors of America's leaders, they draw upon their vast experience to seek justice and the truth.
Now they must face their most dangerous adventure yet - a war on two fronts.
Casino king Jerry Bagger is hunting Annabelle Conroy, the elite con-artist who cheated him out of millions. Stone and his colleagues must draw on all their resources if they are to protect Annabelle from a terrible fate.
Yet all their skills may not be enough when a deadly new opponent rips off the veneer of Stone's own mysterious past. An unstoppable killer intent on one goal: the death of Oliver Stone.
Stone Cold by David Baldacci is the third exhilarating thriller in the bestselling Camel Club series.
ISBN 9781509850990Category FictionSubcategory Crime, Mystery & Thrillers
Publisher Pan Macmillan UKImprint PanPublished 16/11/2017
Format B FormatBinding PaperbackPage extent 528
David Baldacci is one of the world’s bestselling and favourite thriller... »
books by David Baldacci