Moral Compass
Danielle Steel
Price  525.00
Powerful and thought-provoking, Danielle Steel expertly weaves a modern story of a single incident that divides an entire community in Moral Compass. Saint Ambrose, an elite boarding school in Massachusetts, has been the school of choice for the sons of the great and good for over a hundred years. But in changing times, the school must learn to adapt, admitting girls for the first time in its history. When a terrible incident occurs, it causes a fracture in the school's community. Students, teachers and parents must decide who they believe . . . Moral Compass is a topical, highly-charged story from the world's favourite storyteller, Danielle Steel.
ISBN 9781529014785Category FictionSubcategory General Fiction
Publisher Pan Macmillan UKImprint PanPublished 09/01/2020
Format B FormatBinding PaperbackPage extent 288
Danielle Steel has been hailed as one of the world’s most popular authors,... »
books by Danielle Steel