250 pages
Imprint: Harriman House
It’s the secret hiding in plain sight. Enterprises founder – and families lose their homes – because owners are deprived of the knowledge that would have saved them from the cyclical pitfalls in the capitalist economy. The experts did not (and still do not) see these crises coming, but no-one need fall victim to the next crash. Akhil Patel documents the inside story with a blow-by-blow account of the trends that make the difference between wealth and the fatal wounds endured by those who remain wilfully blind.Fred Harrison, economist and author, Boom Bust
With an impressive grasp of financial and economic history, the author paints a colorful picture of the interplay of economic forces and investor emotion that drives market cycles and the principal periods of boom and bust that many of us have experienced. But more than that, he sets out practical ideas on how to navigate them. All investors should read this book.Dr Daniel Crosby, author, The Behavioral Investor
After allocating over $80 million of equity during stages of sheer panic as well as unbridled mania, I can tell you, the investment world is chaotic. Every day, week, month, year we are bombarded with new explanations as to why market cycles behave the way they do, and none seem to stand the test of time...until now. With this book, you'll not only intellectually understand markets and why they move, you'll be able to take full advantage of it. Every investor needs this book.Hunter Thompson, founder, RaisingCapital.com and Asym Capital
The Secret Wealth Advantage fills a big missing piece of a financial puzzle that has been bugging me for over 30 years: I only wish I had read this at the start of my financial career. It has now usurped Reminiscences of a Stock Operator as my number one investment book recommendation. I never thought that would be possible. Akhil's work is worth 1000 times the cover price, although I could be undervaluing it enormously.Paul Rodriguez, director, ThinkTrading.com and host of the State of the Markets podcast