In How to Have a Good Day, economist and former McKinsey partner Caroline Webb shows readers how to use recent findings from behavioral economics, psychology, and neuroscience to transform our approach to everyday working life.
Advances in these behavioral sciences are giving us ever better understanding of how our brains work, why we make the choices we do, and what it...
368 pages
Imprint: Pan
How to Have a Good Day is an extraordinary book - a wonderful mix of science, practical advice, and stories based on Caroline Webb's years of experience helping a huge range of people transform their professional lives for the better. Every chapter is studded with engaging real-world examples that ring true and illustrate how to make the most of the book's suggestions. Whatever your personal definition of a good day, you'll have more of them after reading this book.Susan Cain, author of QUIET: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
How to Have a Good Day is a smart, thorough, and eminently practical book. Just about every page offers a science-based tip to help you become better off - or, in many cases, just plain better.Daniel H. Pink, author of To Sell is Human and Drive
The quest for self-improvement usually takes place on a well-trodden path, with many different gurus offering guidance. But the advice, in addition to being contradictory, often lacks solid foundations. Fortunately, How to Have a Good Day is the breakout exception to this category. The evidence and examples packed inside its pages leave the reader in no doubt that Webb's advice will make a real difference. Better days lead to better lives, and this extraordinary book will lead to both.Chris Guillebeau, New York Times bestselling author of The $100 Startup and The Happiness of Pursuit
Behavioral science has come of age in recent years, and it has begged for a world-class translator. Now we have one. Caroline Webb's peerless translation of the behavioral sciences into tools for shaping the quality of our day is the book we've been waiting for. Play with just 2% of the ideas in this book, and you might just end up changing your life's course. Words like 'magisterial' come to mind. Bravo.Tom Peters, co-author of award-winning bestseller In Search of Excellence