In this quirky and heartfelt middle-grade debut, a girl determined to free her mother from wrongful imprisonment discovers saving grace in the form of her estranged aunt, an ornery silent nun.
Twelve-year-old Ruby Clyde Henderson’s life turns upside down the day her mother’s boyfriend holds up a convenience store, and her mother is wrongly jailed for assisting with the crime. Ruby...
29 May 2018
304 pages
Imprint: Square Fish
"One undersized but indomitable tomboy tackles tough issues with wry humor as she attempts to create the home and family for which she yearns. Ruby’s folksy precociousness and determination are as endearing as her realization that the world is not perfect and that love comes in pieces. . . . Rich in Southern flavor, loaded with biblical references and even a scattering of Dickens quotes: a rollicking read." —Kirkus Reviews