You are deeper than your life shows, and you know it. You are more loving than your relationships allow, more brilliant than your career suggests. In your secret depth of being, you are infinite, creative, boundless, and utterly unable to press your full glory into the world. Or so it seems.
In Blue Truth, David Deida presents a treasury of skills...
“Blue Truth is a brilliant book, absolutely gorgeous. Ancient wisdom on sacred sexuality, freed of historical and cultural trappings, glows from these pages in exhilarating, luminous prose. Deida brilliantly lays bare the hidden psychology of feminine and masculine and offers clear instructions for tapping into our deepest core and achieving true harmony through sexual intimacy. I feel that Deida has reached a new level of poetic genius in his writing, and his understanding of feminine psychology astounds me. I am just knocked out by this book.” —MIRANDA SHAW, PH.D., author of Passionate Enlightenment: Women in Tantric Buddhism
“David Deida is in the dynamic living oral tradition of maverick spiritual teachers who, like free-jazz musicians, can riff directly on Reality, outside of established forms. Mark my words: in a future that I hope is not too far off, David Deida's original Western Dharma will be widely known as one of the most sublime and accessible expressions of the essence of spiritual practice that is freely offered today.” —LAMA SURYA DAS, bestselling author of Awakening the Buddha Within
“The openness, the love! What lively new language David Deida finds for the unsayable!” —COLEMAN BARKS, author of The Essential Rumi