The Princess and the Wizard
Julia Donaldson
Illustrated by Lydia Monks
Ages 3 to 7
Imprint: Macmillan Children's Books
"The princess may try seven times to escape
By changing her colour and changing her shape."
But each time Princess Eliza changes – into a blue fish, a yellow chick, a red fox or a black cat – the wicked wizard finds her and sets her another horrible task. Will this plucky princess be able to outwit him and escape back...
32 pages
32 pages
Imprint: Macmillan Children's Books
A sparkly princess and an equally sparkly, though somewhat darker, wizard battle it out across some glorious colour spreads . . . an exceptionally pleasing replay of a familiar story.Guardian
a winner . . . colourful, and funny, with a cosy endingBookseller