Walter Was Worried
Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Illustrated by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Opposite the simple declarative sentence, "Walter was worried" is a portrait of a very worried Walter. But wait! The letters that spell out his feelings form his facial characteristics, as well as his expression. Gradually a simple story unfolds: the sky grows dark, the fog rolls in, lightning lights the sky, and thunder shakes the trees; Priscilla was puzzled, Shirley...
“Innovative ... Opportunities for read-aloud interaction abound here.” —Kirkus Reviews
“Typesetters will be tickled and printers pleased by Seeger's emotive imagery.” —Publishers Weekly
“There is surprising depth in this wonderful collaboration of art and story.” —School Library Journal
“A smart, alphabet-based game.” —Best Book of 2005 Award, Child magazine
“With colorful illustrations, Seeger takes young readers on an educational journey through the imagination.” —Children's Literature