Kokoro Yoga: Maximize Your Human Potential and Develop the Spirit of a Warrior--the SEALfit Way
Kokoro Yoga, by New York Times bestselling author and former U.S. Navy SEAL Mark Divine, is an integrated physical, mental, and spiritual training, designed initially for the nation's elite special-ops soldiers and now taught to anyone seeking to develop the heart and mind of a warrior. Kokoro, the Japanese concept of warrior spirit—or merging heart and mind into action—is the...
"Every CrossFit athlete and modern-day warrior needs to incorporate yoga into their life, and this book will teach you how. Mark's teachings have changed my life, and they will change yours too." — Greg Amundson, former DEA Special Agent, business owner, and CrossFit Law Enforcement Liason
"Mark has redefined yoga for me.... With his integrated approach, he is able to whittle down its complexities into actionable sequences that not only energize and strengthen my body, but also heighten my mental focus and spiritual awareness. Bravo Zulu." — Chriss Smith, U.S. Navy SEAL, owner of Trident CrossFit
“As a former Naval Special Warfare Sniper Course manager I know the importance of developing a solid mental and physical training program. To be candid, 8 Weeks to SEAL FIT is the best program I've come to know outside of someone actually going through SEAL training. If you're looking for a quick start fitness gimmick then move on, if you want to adopt a program that promotes lifestyle fitness and mental toughness then get Mark's book, it will change your life for the better.” —Brandon Webb, Navy SEAL, New York Times Best Selling Author and Editor of SOFREP.com on 8 Weeks to Sealfit