A brilliantly funny and brightly colourful story perfect for Steves everywhere.
When Steve meets Steve, neither can believe it. Surely one of them must be the first Steve, the best Steve, the Stevest Steve . . . The claims of each puffin become sillier and sillier as the argument descends into name-calling – until both Steves realize there’s really no...
32 pages
Imprint: Two Hoots
superlative comedyImogen Russell Williams, Guardian
Cleverly capturing the dynamics of childhood arguments and rivalries, Hood's brilliant graphic illustrations are an absolute stand out.The Bookseller
The bold and inventive use of colour, eye-catching designs and a story full of wisdom, dry humour and a child’s eye view of the world, are guaranteed to win the hearts of readers young and oldLancashire Evening Post
Every detail ... is crisply brilliant, without a wasted word or lineTimes Literary Supplement