‘A vital read’ Saurabh Kumar, Executive Vice Chairman, Energy Efficiency Services Ltd Group
‘Authoritative’ Arunabha Ghosh, CEO, Council on Energy, Environment and Water, India
‘A must-read’ Ashok Sarkar, Senior energy specialist, World Bank
The definitive account of India’s energy journey and a blueprint for an energy-efficient future.
The historic oil crisis of 1973, which permanently altered significant economic policies worldwide, marked a turning...
‘A vital read’ Saurabh Kumar, Executive Vice Chairman, Energy Efficiency Services Ltd Group
‘A thoughtful account of episodes in India's arduous journey towards energy conservation and self-sufficiency’ Romir Chatterjee, energy economist
‘No one has seen and perhaps influenced India’s energy transition more closely than Padu Padmanabhan … [His] engaging and enlightening book tells a story never told before’ Anish De, Global Sector Head, Power & Utilities, KPMG India
‘The authoritative story of technology, business, domestic regulation, international cooperation, institution-building, and of individuals who have contributed to one of the world's largest energy systems that continues to push for more with less’ Arunabha Ghosh, CEO, Council on Energy, Environment and Water, India
‘An insider’s perspective of what has worked, what hasn’t and where we need to go to help shape the future of energy use and emissions’ Steven Nadel, Executive Director, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
‘A must-read’ Ashok Sarkar, Senior energy specialist, World Bank