Psychedelic and Spiritual Icon Ram Dass Shares the Full Arc of His Remarkable Life
Perhaps no other teacher of South Asian philosophy has reached as many Western students as Ram Dass, the author of Be Here Now. If you’ve ever practiced meditation or yoga, tried psychedelics, or supported anyone in a hospice, prison, or homeless center—then the story of Ram Dass...
“Being Ram Dass is a profound journey into the heart and soul of one of the world’s most beloved spiritual leaders. Throughout, we are reminded that our intrinsically loving nature can never be tainted or destroyed.” —Tara Brach, PhD, author of Radical Acceptance and Radical Compassion
“Ram Dass is one of the great spiritual masters of our time, who was at the same time extremely humble, approachable, and a quintessential storyteller! His stories were all inspiring, uplifting, and transforming. He also knew how to transcend all stories and find the highest truth in the pure knowing and love of just being. This book will be a joyful companion to anyone on the spiritual journey.” —Deepak Chopra, MD, author of Total Meditation
“Being Ram Dass is a wonderful memoir, sharing his life’s travels and journey from Harvard to Bodh Gaya to Kainchi, and all over the world. Ram Dass became a beloved spiritual guide to so many, and this book is a reminder of all the ways he impacted our lives. Love, Serve, Remember . . .” —Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Change
“When Ram Dass left this world, he was eulogized as a ‘new age guru.’ He was so much more than that, as all know who were delighted, stretched, and transformed by his presence, his teaching, and his writing. His imprint was growing on a new generation at the end of his life, and will continue to do so. For this was a singular, radiant human being who never stopped deepening and evolving. As wise and fluent in the language of intellect as of spirit, of ‘fierce grace’ as of karma, Ram Dass embodied the possibilities of consciousness, and of spiritual evolution, as few have. He is missed, and yet he is still with us. No surprise that we receive this book, his story, just when we need it most.” —Krista Tippett, founder and CEO, The On Being Project; host, On Being; curator, The Civil Conversations Project
“Ram Dass is no more. But he has left us a magnificent gift. Honest, touching, tender, and inspiring, his autobiography takes us on the journey of the making of an American saint. And what a journey it was! If you thought you knew Ram Dass, think again. And if you did not know him, get ready. This book will light up your soul.” —Mark Epstein, MD, author of Thoughts Without a Thinker and The Trauma of Everyday Life
“This is an extraordinary autobiography, one that totally draws you into the mind and heart of beloved teacher Ram Dass. The detail he shares about his life is like nothing we have read before. Truly astounding. A page-turner, this book is a great treasure house of wisdom, joy, and wonder.” —Roshi Joan Halifax, abbot, Upaya Zen Center
“With his playful wit, luminous mind, and generous heart, Ram Dass lured generations of seekers into the life of the Soul. I am one of those lucky pilgrims. I met Ram Dass in the 1970s, when I was a teenager on fire with desire for God. Ram Dass pointed toward an array of sacred gates—Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, Christian mysticism, mystical Judaism—and beyond the traditions to what our Guru, Neem Karoli Baba, meant when he would say, ‘Sub ek’ (All is One). This confluence of spiritual sources has permeated my life, giving rise to everything I do and am. This book, transmitted by Ram Dass in the final years of his life and beautifully transcribed by Rameshwar Das, is not only a thoroughly riveting read but also a portal to that boundless wellspring of love.” —Mirabai Starr, author of Caravan of No Despair and Wild Mercy
“This book beautifully chronicles the transformation of a man into pure love. Ram Dass may have been the greatest spiritual voice of a generation. Certainly he was its most loving heart.” —Frank Ostaseski, author, The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us about Living Fully
“Being Ram Dass is a glorious book about the transformation of a man born into wealth and privilege who through the study of psychology, psychedelics, and then meditation becomes one of the central voices of his generation and discovers the true gold of spirituality, love, and service. Ram Dass’s autobiography is an exploration of this transformation filled with profound insights and fascinating stories. Being Ram Dass is for those interested in and/or stewarding the current psychedelic renaissance—including those in the burgeoning world of for-profit psychedelic companies—for those interested in spirituality and service, and for everyone who simply wants to read about a unique and inspirational incarnation.” —Rick Doblin, PhD, executive director of MAPS
“I’m so grateful that Being Ram Dass has finally come out. I’ve been through Polishing the Mirror three times now and am so eager for more stories of wisdom and insight from this precious teacher.” —Laurie Anderson
“A long love letter and lasting testament from America’s Guru, sharing his altered statesmanship, his ruthless honesty, his ecstatic devotion to Maharaji, his commitment to love and being present, his quest for healing humanity body and soul, his journey of aging, including the hard parts. This is what we adore about our perfectly imperfect master, leader of the Love Tribe. Now we get to absorb his final gems of wisdom shared in this life-summation, Being Ram Dass.” —Alex Grey & Allyson Grey
“What an utter delight and heart-bursting pleasure to immerse myself in Ram Dass’s autobiography, Being Ram Dass. To be able to feel so much intimacy and connection with him this year is like a healing balm for the uniquely challenging times.” —Jamie Catto, director of Becoming Nobody film
“Ram Dass’s deep yearning for Truth shines through every stage of his life in this inspiring and transformational memoir. His story makes you ask yourself, ‘What is the most important thing in my life and how committed to that am I, really?’ Ruthless self-investigation combined with boundless love for God and all beings is his answer.” —Dale Borglum (Ram Dev), director, Living/Dying Project
“Being Ram Dass is the profound story of one of the most inspiring souls of our times—a being who held the torch for all to follow. Lighting the way by acknowledging his own egoic journey, he moved beyond to embrace the divine and sacred in every moment. His humor and intellect inspired, while his actions have uplifted and continue to help so many. His deep love for everyone is his lasting legacy.” —Stephan Rechtschaffen, MD, founder of Blue Spirit Costa Rica and Omega Institute
“The stories behind the stories of the best storyteller of our generation. With little veneer or evasion, Ram Dass peels back the layers of his many lives. We leave his presence enriched, and thankful.” —Arthur Magida, author of Code Name Madeleine: A Sufi Spy in Nazi-Occupied Paris
“Being Ram Dass brings me once again to the feet of my teacher. His wit and wisdom shine through in this intimate glimpse into the life of the man who shone so bright as he lit our own hearts on fire. The depth of my devotion and self-acceptance I owe to his teachings; reading this book makes me feel like he is still right here with me, holding my heart with unwavering compassion.” —East Forest, music artist and creator of the Ram Dass album
“Ram Dass’s human experience has always been so much part of his teaching. This narrative is a gift of love to our awakening humanity. The interaction and interplay between ego and soul and love is exquisitely articulated.” —Ahad Cobb, author of Early Lama Foundation
“As I was growing up and learning how to be a human being, Ram Dass—his books and his lectures—were my guideposts along the way. He was able to take what were to me complex Eastern religious philosophies and make them accessible. And then to meet and get to know him a bit—and to feel his true self and his kindness and humor and wisdom—was a gift.” —Ben Cohen, founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream