A deeply emotional visual representation of a teenager’s confusion.
Still reeling from the death by suicide of his drug-addicted father, Travis moves in with his grandmother to become her caretaker as she battles cancer. Meanwhile, he tries to live a typical teen life of pulling pranks, occasional shoplifting, dating, and endless drives through the twisting backroads of Central Massachusetts with Nirvana’s...
“Travis Dandro uses words, pictures, pattern, and texture to conjure moments from his life that are at once specific and fleeting. In its remembrance of profound loss and deep love for friends and family, Hummingbird Heart beats fast but feels timeless.” —Jason Lutes, author of Berlin
“Dandro proves his ability to emulate any comic, from Krazy Kat to Popeye to Calvin; his insertions of a young Travis into the panels are especially engaging—and delightfully, conspicuously aspirational... Teens on the cusp of the leaving home for college will find plenty of resonating adventures here.” —Booklist
“Dandro’s flair for detail offers windows into the harshness all his characters face; while the story elements are simple—grief, teen angst—the telling is visually layered.” —Publishers Weekly, Starred Review
“Though it meanders at time, the memoir does so thoughtfully and intentionally, compelling the reader to explore the space and feel an emptiness that needs filling. One hopes that, with Hummingbird Heart, Dandro has found a way to give his autobiographical avatar of Travis that fulfillment.” —Graphic Medicine
“Sharply recalled and ultimately engrossing.” —Kirkus
“This is a young artist and writer who has confidence in his storytelling powers.” —London Free Press