Modern Fiction
277 books available
Sara Barnard
Holly Bourne
Tanya Byrne
Non Pratt
Melinda Salisbury
Lisa Williamson
Eleanor Wood
Everything All at Once
Steven Camden
Spill Zone Book 1
Scott Westerfeld
Alex Puvilland
Wild Blue Wonder
Carlie Sorosiak
Boy Meets Hamster
Birdie Milano
Ash Princess
Laura Sebastian
What I Lost
Alexandra Ballard
Eat Dirt
Goldy Moldavsky
If You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say
Leila Sales
A Skinful of Shadows
Frances Hardinge
Brendan Reichs
Out of the Blue
Sophie Cameron
The Lie Tree
Frances Hardinge
Children of Blood and Bone
Tomi Adeyemi
In Real Life
Cory Doctorow
Jen Wang
Fly By Night
Frances Hardinge
Twilight Robbery
Frances Hardinge
A Face Like Glass
Frances Hardinge
Gullstruck Island
Frances Hardinge
A Room of One's Own
Best Fairy Tales
Hans Christian Andersen
There's Someone Inside Your House
Stephanie Perkins
One Dark Throne
Kendare Blake
Alex and Eliza
Melissa de la Cruz
Julie Bertagna
Tales of the Jazz Age
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Bronte
Kingdom of Sleep
Brendan Reichs
Lucky Strikes
Louis Bayard
Alex Scarrow
Summer Days and Summer Nights
Stephanie Perkins
Jennifer E. Smith
Stars Above: A Lunar Chronicles Collection
Marissa Meyer
Becoming Betty
Eleanor Wood
One! Hundred! Demons!
Lynda Barry