The first in Ken Follett’s ground-breaking Century Trilogy, Fall of Giants is a captivating novel that follows five families through the world-shaking dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the struggle for votes for women.
1911, a thirteen-year-old boy, Billy Williams, begins working down the mines as George V is crowned king. The escalating arms...
880 pages
Imprint: Pan
Few works set out with such a grand concept as Ken Follett’s new Century trilogy, but part one suggests that the series will be one of the literary masterpieces of our time . . . while grand events and themes are at the core of the novel, it is the richness of the characters and the intertwining of their often disparate stories that steal the showThe Sunday Times
He’s pulled it off again with Fall of Giants: it’s classic Follett with the brewing cataclysm of war given a human angleSunday Express
Follett is masterly in conveying so much drama and historical information so vividlyScotsman
The master storyteller Ken Follett knits together British, American, German and Russian points of view from the start to the end of the First World War into a fascinating and remarkably fertile tapestry of society and politicsThe Times