At the outbreak of the Second World War, a mismatched group of passengers flee across the Atlantic to escape Britain and – thousands of feet in the air – find themselves facing grave danger. Night Over Water is a masterful historical thriller from Ken Follett.
The Eve of War
Britain has just declared war against Nazi Germany. In Southampton, the world’s most...
30 May 2019
672 pages
Imprint: Pan
Master storytellerThe Times
Master of the romantic thrillerDaily Telegraph
The opulent interior of the first airliner on a transatlantic flight from England to New York in war-darkened 1939 is the setting for Follett's high-flying caper, guaranteed to hold the reader in their seat . . . the master of epic suspense spins an excruciatingly taut drama, a whirlwind of romance and intrigue . . . His best since Eye of the NeedlePublishers Weekly