Neal Asher takes us on a thrilling ride into interstellar politics and impending war, in this second volume of Rise of the Jain.
Their nemesis lies in wait . . .
Orlandine has destroyed the alien Jain super-soldier by deploying an actual black hole. And now that same weapon hoovers up clouds of lethal Jain technology, swarming within the deadly accretion...
480 pages
Imprint: Tor
Neal Asher's books are like an adrenaline shot targeted directly for the brainJohn Scalzi
Action! on a grand scale . . . marvels and monsters in a single storyLocus
In this riveting sequel to The Soldier, Asher ramps up the pyrotechnics in the thunderous first salvoes of war . . . This is Asher at the top of his gamePublishers Weekly starred review
Asher's intergalactic chess match combines vivid descriptions of human, alien, and AI psyches with explosive and violent confrontationsBooklist