It was a quest for vengeance; now it’s full-blown rebellion. Zero Point is the second book in Neal Asher’s high-octane Owner trilogy.
He must flee or face his enemy . . .
Earth’s Zero Asset citizens no longer face extermination from orbit. Thanks to Alan Saul, the Committee’s network of control is a smoking ruin. Its robotic enforcers also lie dormant. But...
576 pages
Imprint: Tor
A thoroughly enjoyable novel with some very interesting ideas . . . adding in plenty to keep the pages turningWalker of Worlds
A real page turner. Neal Asher's trademarks were all there, action, imagination and great world buildingI Will Read Books
There is lots to admire here, and Asher fans are unlikely to be disappointedConcatenation
Asher’s ability to write exciting set-piece action scenes featuring cool SF hardware is undimmed . . . Those who enjoy Neal Asher’s fast-paced, technologically rich SF stories will find a lot to likeSFCrowsNest