The first English translation of Mizuki's best-loved work
NonNonBa is the definitive work by acclaimed Gekiga-ka Shigeru Mizuki, a poetic memoir detailing his interest in yokai (spirit monsters). Mizuki's childhood experiences with yokai influenced the course of his life and oeuvre; he is now known as the forefather of yokai manga. His spring 2011 book, Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths, was...
“Mizuki conveys his pen-and-ink messages with a surreal combination of cartoon-like people superimposed against harsh realistic renderings of their environment.” —Marco Werman, PRI's The World
“Shigeru Mizuki is the preeminent figure of Gekiga manga and one of the most famous working cartoonists in Japan today–a true living legend.” —Graphic Novel Reporter
“[Mizuki] is one of Japan's greatest illustrators, a master of both realism and manga.” —Globe and Mail
“This book is excellent . . . I can only hope we're soon flooded by Mizuki translations. I'd like to drown in them.” —Newsarama