Once in a House on FireAndrea AshworthPaperbackPre-order nowAmazon04 September 2025Imprint: PicadorSynopsis368 pages9781035065264Details04 September 2025368 pages9781035065264Imprint: PicadorMore from the Picador Collection seriesAll PreviousThe SpartansPaul CartledgeMother's MilkEdward St AubynIndia: A Wounded CivilizationV.S. NaipaulFour Letters Of LoveNiall WilliamsThe City & The CityChina MiévilleMagic SeedsV.S. NaipaulNever MindEdward St AubynGomorrahRoberto SavianoConfessions of a SociopathM. E. ThomasBreathTim WintonKing Leopold's GhostAdam HochschildBridget Jones's DiaryHelen FieldingHalf a LifeV.S. NaipaulA Bend in the RiverV.S. NaipaulBridget Jones: The Edge of ReasonHelen FieldingIn a Free StateV.S. NaipaulExhalationTed ChiangAn Area of DarknessV.S. NaipaulWe Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our FamiliesPhilip GourevitchTrumpetJackie KayPlainsongKent HarufRaptureCarol Ann DuffySo You've Been Publicly ShamedJon RonsonMr PotterJamaica KincaidMy BrotherJamaica KincaidMy Garden (Book)Jamaica KincaidTalk StoriesJamaica KincaidSee Now ThenJamaica KincaidDispatchesMichael HerrThe Discovery of FranceGraham RobbThe Men Who Stare At GoatsJon RonsonThe Orchard KeeperCormac McCarthyCloudstreetTim WintonLost at SeaJon RonsonOuter DarkCormac McCarthyQuartet in AutumnBarbara PymMothers and SonsColm TóibínThe WonderEmma DonoghueThem: Adventures with ExtremistsJon RonsonThe SeaJohn BanvilleSuttreeCormac McCarthyThe Story of the NightColm TóibínThe Blackwater LightshipColm TóibínThe Heather BlazingColm TóibínThe MasterColm TóibínThe SouthColm TóibínQuarantineJim CraceSilenceShusaku EndoAn Unquiet MindKay Redfield JamisonStories of Your Life and OthersTed ChiangThe Immortal Life of Henrietta LacksRebecca SklootChild of GodCormac McCarthyFeminine GospelsCarol Ann DuffyInto the WildJon KrakauerEssays In LoveAlain de BottonThe Psychopath TestJon RonsonThe People in the TreesHanya YanagiharaThe World's WifeCarol Ann DuffyInto Thin AirJon KrakauerThe Sparsholt AffairAlan HollinghurstThe Stranger's ChildAlan HollinghurstBad LandJonathan RabanMigraineOliver SacksA Leg to Stand OnOliver SacksAwakeningsOliver SacksUncle TungstenOliver SacksOn the MoveOliver SacksLess Than ZeroBret Easton EllisThe Rules of AttractionBret Easton EllisLunar ParkBret Easton EllisThe NamesDon DeLilloUnderworldDon DeLilloMao IIDon DeLilloEnd ZoneDon DeLilloGreat Jones StreetDon DeLilloAll the Pretty HorsesCormac McCarthyThe CrossingCormac McCarthyCities of the PlainCormac McCarthyNo Country for Old MenCormac McCarthyThe RoadCormac McCarthyAnnie JohnJamaica KincaidLucyJamaica KincaidAt the Bottom of the RiverJamaica KincaidThe Autobiography of My MotherJamaica KincaidAmong FlowersJamaica KincaidNevadaImogen BinnieCultural AmnesiaClive JamesRoomEmma DonoghueAmerican PsychoBret Easton EllisThe Line of BeautyAlan HollinghurstWhite NoiseDon DeLilloBlood MeridianCormac McCarthyRed Dust RoadJackie KayA Manual for Cleaning WomenLucia BerlinStation ElevenEmily St. John MandelMiddle PassageCharles JohnsonThe Man Who Mistook His Wife for a HatOliver SacksThe Mystic MasseurV.S. NaipaulHomage to BarcelonaColm TóibínLove in a Dark TimeColm TóibínTigers in Red WeatherLiza KlaussmannSome HopeEdward St AubynMr FoxHelen OyeyemiThe Woman WarriorMaxine Hong KingstonBad BloodColm TóibínThe Sign of the CrossColm TóibínSuderPercival EverettWalk Me to the DistancePercival EverettI Am Not Sidney PoitierPercival EverettDamned If I DoPercival EverettPercival Everett by Virgil RussellPercival EverettTelephonePercival EverettAssumptionPercival EverettSo Much BluePercival EverettBurial RitesHannah KentAmong the BelieversV.S. NaipaulWith NailsRichard E GrantBad NewsEdward St AubynAt LastEdward St AubynOnce in a House on FireAndrea AshworthAn Anthropologist on MarsOliver SacksMusicophiliaOliver SacksThe Liars' ClubMary KarrLonesome DoveLarry McMurtryComanche MoonLarry McMurtryDead Man's WalkLarry McMurtryAll That IsJames SalterA House for Mr BiswasV.S. NaipaulSay Something Back and Time Lived, Without Its FlowDenise RileyThe Year of the RunawaysSunjeev SahotaOurs are the StreetsSunjeev SahotaThe Butcher BoyPatrick McCabeThe Snow GeeseWilliam Fiennes NextBooks by Andrea Ashworth PreviousOnce in a House on Fire Next