We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families
Imprint: Picador
**Winner of the Guardian First Book award**
'I know few books, fiction or non-fiction, as compelling as Philip Gourevitch's account of the Rwandan genocide' – Sebastian Junger, author of The Perfect Storm
‘Should be compulsory reading’ – The Guardian
In 1994, the Rwandan government orchestrated a campaign of extermination, in which everyone in the Hutu majority was called upon to murder everyone in...
368 pages
Imprint: Picador
I know few books, fiction or non-fiction, as compelling as Philip Gourevitch's account of the Rwandan genocideSebastian Junger, author of The Perfect Storm
Like the greatest war reporters, Philip Gourevitch raises the human banner in hell's mouth . . . This volume establishes him as the peer of Michael Herr, there is no limit to what we may expect from himRobert Stone
Magnificent, terrifying . . . Gourevitch's account is factual, unemotional - and utterly gut-wrenching . . . The great achievement of his book is that it allows us to imagine this unimaginable crime . . . and those who stood by, human beings allIrish Times
A sparkling jewel that shone no matter what angle you looked at it fromAmanda Foreman