Set in rural Tennessee between the world wars, The Orchard Keeper is the unique, darkly biblical debut novel from the legendary author of Blood Meridian and The Road, Cormac McCarthy.
'McCarthy has the best kind of Southern style' ā New York Times
John Wesley Rattner is a young boy when his father is murdered. Marion Sylder, an outlaw and bootlegger, strangled him...
11 July 2024
272 pages
Imprint: Picador
Mr McCarthy has the best kind of Southern style, one that fuses risky eloquence, intricate rhythms and dead-to-rights accuracyNew York Times
The feeling for the land and seasons is so intense as to be part of the story and there are scenes one will never forget . . . A complicated and evocative exposition of the transience of life.Harper’s
A true American original.Newsweek
McCarthy puts most other American writers to shame. His work itself repays the tight focus of his attention with its finely-wrought craftsmanship and its ferocious energyNew York Times Book Review