‘The best book I have ever read on men and war in our time’ – John Le Carré
Michael Herr went to Vietnam as a war correspondent for Esquire. He returned to tell the real story in all its hallucinatory madness and brutality, cutting to the quick of the conflict and its seductive, devastating impact on a generation of young men....
272 pages
Imprint: Picador
The best book I have ever read on men and war in our time.John Le Carré
Having read Dispatches, it is difficult to convey the impact of total experience as all the facades of patriotism, heroism and the whole colossal fraud of American intervention fall away to the bare bones of fear, war and deathWilliam S. Burroughs
Splendid . . . he brings alive the terror of combat in a way that rivals All Quiet on the Western FrontTom Wolfe
In the great line of Crane, Orwell and Hemingway . . . he seems to have brought to this book the ear of a musician and the eye of a painter, Frank Zappa and Francis BaconThe Washington Post